
Terms of use


1.1  By accessing this website, you agree to the terms of use  under. Please read these conditions carefully before using this website.
1.2  If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you may not access or use this website.
1.3  We may amend these Terms of Use at at any time, without notice to you or giving any reason, by posting an updated version of the Terms of Use on our website. this website. We recommend that you visit this section regularly to check for changes to the Terms Terms of Use. In the event of a change, you must comply with the updated terms. If you do not agree with the changed content of the Terms of Use, you must immediately discontinue use of the website. this element.


2.1  This website may be linked to other websites that are not controlled by AIA. These links are for your convenience only and we are not responsible for the use, influence or content posted on such websites.
2.2  AIA makes no representations or warranties of any kind and is not responsible for the accuracy of the content posted on these websites and does not endorse such information, opinions, products and services. pharmacy services are introduced there. You hereby acknowledge and agree that your access to such sites is at your own risk.


3.1 You agree that by accessing the website This website, you will do all your own risk for your connection and use of the website.
3.2 To the maximum extent permitted by law, AIA excludes from these Terms of Use all representations, warranties, conditions, undertakings, remedies, liabilities and other conditions implied in these Terms of Use. statute, law or custom, except to the extent that warrants or powers are provided for by law, except to the extent that it is unlawful or causes invalidity in whole or in part of this provision.
3.3 To the fullest extent permitted by law, AIA does not assume any responsibility and liability arising out of or in connection with your connection to and use of this website, including and not limited to:
(a) any actual or potential loss of profit, revenue, credit, savings, data, business opportunity or expectations, and any and all damages indirectly, in particular, by causality, to be punished or to set an example, and
(b) any other damages, even where AIA or any of its authorized representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
AIA will not be responsible and will not be liable for any damage to, or forms of, viruses that may attack your computer equipment or other property as a result of result of accessing, using, or browsing this website, or downloading documents, data, text, images, movies, or audio from this website.< /p>


Unless otherwise stated, information on the page This electronic communication should not be construed as an offer to sell or an offer to buy any securities, insurance products or any other product or service of AIA. No securities, insurance products, products or services offered or to be traded by AIA, or sold by AIA, shall be deemed valid in the territories in which offering, soliciting, buying or selling n is illegal under the securities, insurance or any other laws of that territory. Some products and services may not be available in some territories.


The information on this website is not An offer to sell or an offer to buy securities. Past performance is not necessarily a measure of future performance. If you are considering investing in AIA's securities, you should seek professional advice before deciding to invest.


Any information, if not good data Personal information, which you transmit to AIA through this website by electronic mail or otherwise, including data, questions, comments, or suggestions will be treated as information. non-confidential and non-proprietary and shall become the property of AIA. This information, other than personal data or information, may be used for any purpose, including but not limited to reuse, solicitation of product offerings, disclosure, transmission, can, publish, broadcast, or send. AIA is free to use the ideas, concepts, know-how or technology contained in your transactions submitted to AIA through this website or in any other manner for any purpose. including but not limited to developing and marketing products using such information.

You waive all possible rights of You in respect of any information (other than personal information) that you transmit to AIA through this website or otherwise for the purposes of this section of the Terms of Use.

Any personal information sent to us by using the website will be subject to the AIA Privacy Statement here .


This website is owned and maintained by operated by AIA. All copyrights and intellectual property on this website belong to AIA and our licensees. Other than as otherwise expressly set forth in these Terms of Use and unless permitted by law, you may not (and may not attempt to do) the following:

(a)  Use, copy, recycle, republish, modify, save in a retrieval system, create derivative works from or otherwise use any part of the site for public purposes or commercial;

(b)  Distribute, translate, modify or tamper with any part of the site;

(c)  Create derivative works of or from any part of the site;

(d)  Sell, lease, license, assign, swap or otherwise transfer your rights in these Terms of Use; or

(e)  Allow or help others to perform the acts specified in (a) to (d)


8.1 AIA will use all reasonable efforts to electronic information This operates during business hours. However, the operation of the website is subject to a number of suppliers, and accordingly, AIA makes no representations or warranties:

(a) You can access the information page electronic information at any time; good

(b) You can use the information page continuous, uninterrupted, secure and error-free electronic communication.

8.2 You confirm that the website may not always be available, and you may be disconnected from the website at any time for any reason, including:

(a) Error due to network connection;

(b) Service system not available available for any reason (including maintenance);

(c) You are in breach of any of these terms any of the Terms of Use; good

(d) We decided to stop, temporarily stop or prevent access to your website for any reason.

8.3  AIA does not make any warranties regarding the reliability or other performance of the website. The operation of the website depends on many factors, including the functionality, capacity and configuration of your device, the speed of the connection, and the number of people accessing the system that supports the website. .

8.4  Info on website This may be revised at any time to keep the information up to date, so there may be interruptions, errors or omissions affecting circulation and accuracy. Accordingly, AIA cannot and does not represent or warrant that the information on this website is or will be up to date, complete and accurate at all times. You acknowledge and agree that you will determine for yourself that the information on this website is current, complete and accurate before using it. AIA is not responsible for any loss suffered by you as a result of failure to comply with this provision.


With the use of available software or recommended provided to you on this website, you are licensed by AIA on a non-exclusive, limited and personal basis to download and use the software for your personal, non-commercial use only. All rights including intellectual property rights to the software belong to AIA or its licensee or owner, and unless permitted by law, you may not reverse, compile, modify or tamper with the software.


AIA does not waive a right, right or remedies in connection with these Terms of Use if AIA fails to exercise or delays in exercising its rights, powers or remedies.

11. GOVERNING LAW AND Jurisdiction:

These Terms of Use shall be governed by law the law of Vietnam and the parties agree to submit to the sole jurisdiction of the Vietnamese courts.